Platform Update v1.3.5

The 1.3.5 release introduces support for our first embedded Linux platform into Atmosphere with the Raspberry Pi 4. The single-board computer is immensely popular with developers, hobbyists, engineers and the like, and we are excited to welcome it into Atmosphere as an available project type to build with. The Raspberry Pi is quite different compared to the standard development board or prototyping kit we support, and likewise operates and interacts differently than them. So be sure to check out its supporting documentation to learn how to get started with the Raspberry Pi on Atmosphere.

This is the first step for Atmosphere to branch into support for embedded Linux, so stay tuned as we look to expand on that with additional Linux platforms in the near future.

Complete release notes for Platform Update v1.3.5 include:

  • Added support for the Raspberry Pi 4 as an available project type within Atmosphere Studio, and included a basic demo project to get started
  • Added a default dashboard for the SensorTile demo to view once a SensorTile running the demo is registered to Atmosphere
  • Improved support for Atmosphere projects using the Digi XBee3 Zigbee Mesh Kit
  • Updated naming format for data storage downloads for improved readability; CSV files now specify the device name, dataset, and date of download
  • Added menu option for the data table widget to configure the number of decimal places shown for numerical values
  • Improved usability of the device map widget to enable users to zoom further into the map without devices being clustered
  • Implemented significant improvements throughout the platform to increase loading speeds and performance
  • Corrected issue with the navigation bar’s swipe events while in the Atmosphere mobile app