Platform Update v1.4.0

Complete release notes for Platform Update v1.4.0 include:

  • All links in the UI now point to the Atmosphere IoT Documentation Hub.
  • Cloud commands have been renamed to cloud events. Former cloud Events are now known as Device Events. Please refer to Documentation hub for more.
  • Significantly improved user experience when loading large lists of items.
  • Added default dashboard for the NXP Rapid IoT Prototyping Kit.
  • Renamed the “Users Admin” title in the user management area to “Users”.
  • Removed the device grid view, formerly in the device management UI.
  • Fixed organizations table taking too long to load.
  • Fixed inconsistent labeling of the project information window, which specifies the “last modified” time of a Studio project.
  • Fixed issue where desktop notifications would render escaped HTML.
  • Fixed inability to reconfigure ESP32 Wi-Fi settings in the UI.
  • Fixed issue where the Device Map would point users to nonexistend devices.
  • Fixed issue where the name for a device would not be saved when saved in the form containing device information.
  • Fixed issue where Studio projects did not fully extend a user’s set background image in the mobile app view of their projects.
  • Fixed issue where the Users Table did now show listed users’ profile images.
  • Fixed issue where navigating under certain conditions would produce an “Invalid Device” error.
  • Fixed issue where dragging the window would result in unecessary network activity.
  • Fix issue where changing an organization’s image would not update the organization view.
  • Fixed issue where attempting to remove an organization’s image would not do anything.
  • Fixed issue where help links in some Elements would point to “about:blank”.
  • Fixed issue where logging in after changing a password would lead a user back to the change password UI.
  • Fixed issue where the Data Bulletin windget would cut off vertically when too many entries were drawn on the UI.
  • Fixed issue where sometimes the side and/or top navigation areas would not show up upon login.
  • Fixed issue where setting the default device image in Studio would not do anything.
  • Fixed width of the Studio area when the side navigation bar is expanded.
  • Fixed issue where the Device map would not update in specific circumstances.
  • Fixed issue where the export projects button in Studio would not export projects out to the user.
  • Fixed buttons disappearing in the project information window when the window exceeds a certain size on a user’s screen.