Platform Update v1.5.0

Complete release notes for Platform Update v1.5.0 include:

  • Introduced Organization-level custom branding for Atmosphere IoT Central customers.
  • Device settings table now includes the most recent settings as part of the history.
  • Notifications are now considered “read” when the notification menu in the sidebar is collapsed.
  • Geolocation widget’s latitude and longitude inputs are now considered number inputs, resulting in a friendlier UX on the mobile apps.
  • Introduced HTTP Integration API (under v2/events/integrations) to integrate other IoT services with webhooks into Atmosphere.
  • Fixed issue with the organization picker not selecting the correct organization when attempting to move devices, users, and child organizations from one organization to another.
  • Device Logs now display the full device event data if the event data is JSON.
  • Fixed issue where links in the mobile applications would launch inside the app and not on the device’s native browser.
  • Fixed issue where the device map widget was not filtering by organization correctly.